Rise out of the rubbles

Women’s Month 2023 -  Accelerating socio-economic opportunities for Women’s empowerment

In solidarity with Turkish women who survived the earthquake, the South African Embassy hosted a Dinner themed “Rise out of the Rubbles” on 15 August 2023. This year South Africa’s National Women’s Month is commemorated under the theme Accelerating socio-economic opportunities for empowerment of women.

The Embassy was commemorating the 67th Anniversary of Women's Month as a tribute to the South African women of 1956, whose historic demonstration against pass laws remains the bedrock of numerous strides aimed at the advancement of women in South Africa today.
The event focused on the resilience and the soft power embedded within women that causes them to always rise out of the rubbles, just as the Turkish women who survived the February 2023 earthquakes.
Participants had the opportunity to listen four Turkish women willing to share their ordeals during the earthquakes, as useful depictions of the various challenges encountered by women and girls in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres of life.
The Dinner served as an interactive session amongst women from all spheres of society to encourage and empower one another, highlighting the importance of overcoming their own shortcomings today, for the sake of generations of women to come. #WomensMonth2023
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