Elçilik Aktiviteleri
Flights from SA to Turkey as of 15 Nov 2021
Flight and arrival rules to be applied to travel from South Africa to Turkey as of 15 November 2021 Monday (arrival) are as follows:
Starting from 15th of November passengers arriving from South Africa, Pakistan and Nepal shall be exempted from the application of quarantine if they submit a PCR test with negative result taken within maximum 72 hours before entry to our country, and if they can document that they have been administered minimum *2 doses* (Johnson & Johnson - 1 dose) of vaccine and minimum 14 days have passed from the last dose. The passengers who cannot submit these documents shall go into 14 days of quarantine at their places of residence or at the addresses that they will declare.
The passengers who are between 12-17 years old and cannot provide vaccine certificate are allowed on the flights with negative PCR test results. Upon arrival, they will give another sample and if the result is negative, they will continue their stay without quarantine.