Welcome Message November 2020

Dear Friends, Colleagues and fellow South African citizens.

It was only a year ago that the euphoria created by the sterling performance of the SpingBoks brought together people of different races, cultures and walks of life and united them in a common purpose. In what will become one of the most memeorable Rugby World Cups finals in recent history. South Africa completely outclassed England to the tune of 32-12.

Yet, today there reminiscants of yesterdays past seem to be far cry from the world at our hands. The Corona virus pandemic still continues to plague every corner of society with nothing or noone not being affected. It is during these trying times we South Africans need come together to fight this common enemy. While we face some of the most testing times in South Africa’s history now is the time we need to stand firmly together, no is the time to unit as one and show the whole world that we can stand up to the best.

It is important we remain coginiscant of who we are and the proud history that has helped shape South Africa.

Welcome to the South African Embassy website and please see below the highlights of the month.

Disability Rights Awareness Month 2020

South Africa commemorates National Disability Rights Awareness Month between 3 November and 3 December annually. International Day of Persons with Disabilities is commemorated on 03 December just as National Disability Rights Awareness Day.

SADC Malaria Day 6 November 2020

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female mosquitoes. Malaria is preventable and curable, and increased efforts are dramatically reducing the malaria burden in many places. SADC Malaria Day on 6 November aims to create awareness about malaria and mobilise the communities to participate in the malaria control programmes.

World Diabetes Day 14 November 2020

On 20 December 2006, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a landmark Resolution recognising diabetes as a chronic, debilitating and costly disease. The Resolution designates World Diabetes Day as a United Nations Day to be observed every year starting in 2007.

Universal Children's Day 20 November 2020

The United Nations General Assembly recommended in 1954 (resolution 836(IX)) that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children.

It suggested to governments that the World Children's Day be observed on the date which each considers appropriate. The date of 20 November marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989. South Africa celebrates National Children’s Day on the first Saturday in November.

Africa Industrialisation Day 20 November 2020

Within the framework of the Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 20 November as Africa Industrialisation Day (resolution 44/237 of 22 December 1989).

The Africa Industrialisation Day is intended to mobilise the commitment of the international community to the industrialisation of Africa. It also serves as a reminder that more than 30 of the world's 48 least developed countries are located in Africa.

World Fisheries Day 21 November 2020

World Fisheries day is celebrated every year on 21 November throughout the world by fishing communities.

A recent United Nations study reported that more than two-thirds of the world's fisheries have been overfished or are fully harvested and more than one third are in a state of decline because of factors such as the loss of essential fish habitats, pollution, and global warming.

The World Fisheries Day helps in highlighting the critical importance to human lives, of water and the lives it sustains, both in and out of water. Water forms a continuum, whether contained in rivers, lakes, and ocean.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25 November 2020

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.

To further clarify, the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women issued by the UN General Assembly in 1993, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”

16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign 2020

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days Campaign) is a United Nations campaign which takes place annually from 25 November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

The 16 Days Campaign forms the centre point of South African government’s comprehensive 365 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. During the 16 Days period, Government together with civil society and the private sector will host a series of community and sector dialogues and activities to foster a collaborative effort in dealing with GBVF.

We wish you all a safe and healthy November.

Tshepo Ranamane
South African Embassy in Ankara, Turkey

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