Election Date is tomorrow, 30 April 2014

The date for the election is tomorrow, 30 April 2014 as directed by the IEC.

The venue will be the South African Embassy; 27 Filistin Sk, GOP, Çankaya, Ankara.

AND YOUR PASSPORT – you will need both for when you vote.

If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy 312 405 6861


• On the 30 April 2014 from 7am to 7pm, RSA citizens who want to cast special votes outside the Republic, may apply for special votes by handing a written application (VEC 1), together with their valid RSA passports and RSA citizenship identity documents (or valid TIC or smart identity card), to the special voting officer at the South African embassy, high commission or consulate abroad. This is the mission indicated on the VEC 10 to the CEO of the IEC (The online application that was submitted before 12 March 2014)

• The Special Voting Officer must - in your presence and another special voting officer first determine that you did notify the IEC CEO by 12 March 2014 by referring to the voters’ list for the mission. This voters’ list will show the name and identity number of all applicants who intend to vote at the mission, and the recommendation from the IEC as to whether the applicant should be allowed to vote.  

• If the application is rejected, the applicant must be handed a notification of rejection in writing. (VEC 2).

• If the applicant is allowed to vote, the identity document (or temporary identity certificate) is marked (on page 2) with the rubber stamp in the same way as the ballot paper is marked on the back for that election.

• He or she is handed a ballot paper marked with the rubber stamp on the back for that election. Note – failure to mark the back of the ballot paper will lead to that ballot paper being disqualified during counting.

• The voter only receives a ballot for the National Assembly election.

• The voter will mark the ballot paper in secret and to place and seal it in an unmarked smaller-sized envelope (envelope A), which is in turn placed and sealed in another larger-sized envelope (envelope B) on which the applicant's name, identity number and voting district number must be written.

Cancelled Ballot Papers

A voter who claims to have spoilt a ballot paper must be given a replacement, but only after handing back the original to the special voting officer. The following steps should then be followed:

  •   Ask the voter to fold the ballot paper so as not to disclose the party for which the ballot was marked;
  •   The special voting officer should take the paper and write the word “CANCELLED” on the back of it.  The said ballot paper must then be placed in the envelope for canceled ballot papers.
  •   The voter should then be issued with a replacement ballot paper

An agent or voter wishing to object to the decision of the special voting officer may do so in writing by completing a VEC 5.
The special voting officer must summarily investigate and consider the objection.
For this purpose he/she may also direct verbal enquiries to any person that may be able to assist.
He/she must then verbally inform the objector of his/her decision and record that decision on the VEC 5.

What happens to all these ballots?

Votes cast abroad
The Chief Electoral Officer must upon receipt of the packages, keep them in safe custody until the close of voting stations on the voting day of the election when the packages are opened in the presence of party agents.
The written applications are scrutinized in conjunction with the voters’ roll and the details on the larger-sized envelope (envelope B).
In the case of applications that are approved, the unmarked sealed smaller-sized envelope (A) containing the ballot is removed and placed in a ballot box together with the all other unmarked smaller-sized envelopes, in order to ensure that the ballots cannot then be traced to the person.
These are then counted to determine the election results.

Votes and packages received by the CEO of the IEC after 21h00 on Election Day (7 May 2014) are listed and kept in safe custody but are not counted, except upon the order of a competent authority.

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Kırkonaklar Mahallesi 298.Cadde No: 4 / D

Çankaya 06610 Ankara Türkiye

Konsolosluk Hizmetleri Acil Numarası: 0090 (537) 912 58 07

Elçilik WhatsApp Numarası: +90 (538) 238 76 53

E-Posta: general.ankara@dirco.gov.za

E-Posta: ciltf@dirco.gov.za