President Zuma Proclaims Election date as 7 May 2014 (International Votes to be cast on 30 April 2014)

The president proclaimed the election date on 25 February 2014.


·  No Further Registration can take place, if you are not registered, you are not able to vote

·  The date for the International polling will be 30 April 2014 and no other date is permitted.

·  You may only cast your vote at the South African Embassy in Ankara, Turkey and no other location.

·  You must fill out a  VEC 10 form online to be able to cast a vote abroad. This form will temporarily change your voting station for this election.

·  This form must be completed and submitted by Midnight on 12 March 2014.

·  The form can be accessed on the IEC’s website  (the link is on the home page and is easy to find)


Further information will be communicated to you. However, we strongly encourage you to monitor the South African Embassies website for updates to ensure that you are properly informed, 

The IEC website is also very good for answering questions that you may have that is not answered here and we recommend that you look through it for answers to any questions. Furthermore, you are welcome to send any queries to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have been unable to find the answers on the IEC website. 

Bize Ulaşın


Kırkonaklar Mahallesi 298.Cadde No: 4 / D

Çankaya 06610 Ankara Türkiye

Konsolosluk Hizmetleri Acil Numarası: 0090 (537) 912 58 07

Elçilik WhatsApp Numarası: +90 (538) 238 76 53

